I felt so sick on Friday and the thought of feeling like that and being alone made me dred the thought of the upcoming weekend. But I woke up feeling much better on Saturday and found a really nice surprise when I checked my email. Goodguy Bear (aka Lee "the butch florist") had sent me some flowers and they were waiting for me to pick up at the shop. What an amazingly sweet thing to do! Honestly, I can't tell you how much that touched my heart. It's enough to make a BDSM master cry! The flowers are beautiful and exoctic and pretty butch if you ask me. THANK YOU so much Lee for caring enough to put a big smile on my face. I will never forget this!
Since I was in such a good mood I decided to calll Luke and see if he wanted to hang out. I hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks due to traveling for the porn stuff and then my surgery. After the depressing doctor's visits and hospitals I wanted to be outside, on the beach, with lots of happy people. So we went to Fort Lauderale beach and had a few GIANT drinks and some food. We ended up hanging on my couch and watching Robot Chicken all night. I love that sick and twisted show!
Sunday I went to lunch with friends and then we all went to Rosie's for another friend's birthday party. Pretty much everyone I knew was there and it was a lot of fun. Everyone kept asking me what happened to my hand and after about the 100th person I started telling people it was a fisting accident. "He sneezed!". They seemed to like this answer better.
We all ended up at the Sea Monster for T-Dance but I only stayed about an hour. I was afraid that someone was going to smash into my hand in the dark bar.
What a great weekend! I needed that. Here are some pictures if you're interested.
This is Luke before his big-ass margarita.
This is Luke after his big-ass margarita.
This is Luke and I after several big-ass margaritas!
With friends celebrating Rob's birthday at Rosie's. Why am I always the shortest freakin person in the room!
Yup... always the shortest. Ugh.
8 years ago
What a lovely thing for GoodGuy Bear to do. Very nice arrangement ... the "suggestive" flowers didn't go unnoticed. Evil Grin!
Hope you're doin' better Nick!
Nice flowers GoodGuy Bear! What a great thing to do. They look like cocks combs and birds of paradise. I'm so glad Luke started his blog again.
You may be shorter Nick, but your always the best looking! I'm glad your feeling better! Yes we're always interested in whatever pics you post nick.
Yes, It always seems that we desire what we can't have. Quess R U normal, you good looking SHORT dude!
James from Iowa
Just to recap - these friends are the friends of which NONE were there for you during and after the surgery?
Good times...........
Glad you liked the flowers and are feeling better. The flowers are like you, manly and exotic.
Hope you have a GREAT day.
Goodguy Bear
Nice arrangement. And a cool idea of Goodguy Bear.
Nick, you know. Size doesn't matter. *g*
btw. I like Lukes look.
hugs from germany,
Look at how many guys who would give their left nut just to look like you.
I'd give up 6 inches to look like you.
I are hot!
I meant YOU are hot in the previous comment.
Sounds like I'd give up a couple more inches just to bump up IQ
Sorry about that.
I really enjoyed your blog. I found it from a link on the Mrkristofer site.
Having watched all the trailers from the "Bound Gods" site, I was taken by you and your acting. (I say acting, even though it seems some of it must be real.)
I was pleased to learn you are a gentle soul, someone with whom I could be friends. I had rotator cuff surgery two years ago, so I understand what you are going through with your shoulder. I am also anxious to get back to the gym, and was there until last winter when I broke my leg on a South America cruise. Fuck!
Please email me; I would value correspondence with you.
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