Click here to check out my new video "Nick Moretti Jacks Off & Eats Cum to the sound of really bad 70's porn music".
If you make it past the video here are some of the things I've been up to...
I completely took apart my big bird cage, cleaned it, and redecorated it with new plants. I think it looks awesome!

I'm having part of the backyard fence that was destroyed in a hurricane a few years back replaced. That means I had to cut down the tree that was there, cut down all of the bushes, including the HUGE and DEADLY bougenvilla bush, and carry it all out to the curb. My arms and legs are completely cut up and I have a HUGE bump on my head where the big metal branch cutter hit me REALLY HARD in the head.

I spent most of the day Friday with Luke Riley at the DMV where he was getting a new ID and I was renewing my license. I was hesitant to go for the Guido look for the new driver's license photo but it worked. I actually look younger in the new photo than I did in the old one that was taken 10 years ago! I posted the new license below. Weird.

Last night I had dinner with a good friend of mine that was visiting from LA and then I helped out Southeast Leather boy Sean at his fundraiser at the Ramrod bar.
Today I slept late, hung out at home and then met friends for a drink at Rosie's. They all went to Matty's, the bar across the street from Rosie's and ordered pizza. There was no way I was hanging out at a bar again... and eating there. I really don't like bars very much. So I went, by myself, to Il Mulino Italian restaurant and ate some Sausage Flatbread and Rigatoni alla Vodka. AWESOME! Just what a nice Italian boy needs on a Sunday.
I look at your blog all the time. I don't usually comment but I think you are the hottest! I love the porn but feel like I know from the personal stuff. I am always disappointed when there is nothing new. Don't mean to take you for granted, Mr. Mister.
So much crammed into one post.
I love the music in your video ;-). It's a hot video.
The bird cage looks great and they look happy.
Hope your arms and legs don't hurt.
And finally, I love the look for your driver's license, love the chain!
Didn't watch the video yet but read what that haps was. Your birds look happy in that cage, bringing the outdoors in, very nice. Also the quido look is hot and the chain was a sweet touch. Glad you enjoyed Italian food, better to eat and enjoy food in a proper environment rather than a noisy bar.
Great post Nick, always love your videos, but also enjoy your day to day life posts. Can't be a porn start 24/7!
I'm always reading you blog and I love your video's. But I like it more to read about your life, your pats and all the other stuff. So keep on writing about that.
I love your day-to-day blog, seeing more of you than the porn.
And the bird cage looks great - and bougainvillea is a nasty plant to deal with - scratches you to shit.
And yes, the new photo, very hot.
The new cage looks great! How is the baby bird doing? Isn't it great to look YOUNGER on your driver's license than in the previous one? Lucky you!
I'm still here Nick. Haven't been commenting or blogging much in the horrible heat.
Always love seeing all aspects of your life Nick. Love the personal stuff, love the hot/sexy/cute home vids, love the porn, love the updates on Cynder and the rest of the gang.
"It" and YOU do matter!
I read your blog every day and I'm disappointed when there's nothing new. I've never left a comment, but I'll try to send you some lovin once in a while! Luv to hear about all aspects of your life - I think your blog is one of the best. You make us laugh, cry and want to give you a big hug. I think it's very brave of you to put all your thoughts out there for everyone to see.
I love your blog. It's great to see aspects of your personal life on here. You are a drop dead georgeous and you have a heart; what a rare thing. I check your blog daily, but have never posted. Don't even think about slowing down/stooping your posts!
I enjoy your posts very much and read almost every day. You're hot and I like you best with the facial fur. Love your pet updates too. Keep up the great job, Nick!
You should have video taped the BV removal, I am sure there is a fetish for thorny plant removal.
Oh.. so Nick's a comment whore. *grin*
Hell.. I've been holdin' back in fear that the drool might damage my keyboard.
And.. you DO know that bouganvilla is used in some parts of the Caribbean much like some parts of the world scatter broken glass along the tops of block wall fences... I'm pretty sure you know why now. *grin* You're tough, though.. I'm sure you can handle it.
nick, I was trimming my deadly bouganvilla and lost control of th epole cutter. The hook hit me in the middle of the forehead and what a bloody mess. I susally do not trim until the end of August so hope for better luck this year. Love your blog even wehn it is about yard work.
OMG! You did all this yard work by your lonesome? Go Nick!
Love the new bird cage. I need to clean mine to but mine is about four times bigger. UGH!
I love reading your blog. Your honesty, humbleness, willingness to let it all hang out there is what keeps me comming back. To often people let their fame blow up their heads and they get arrogent and want the whole world to worship them. You're very good at keeping your feet on the ground. Great for you!
Also, just to let you know, the video was flopped again.
And one last thing, what happened to the Zenvo sports car?
Hey Nick! I enjoy reading your blog, I like knowing what's going on in your life. I've thought about starting a blog but my life is kind of boring..I thought of doing a day in the life of kind of thing. Hope you had a great weekend. HUGS
Maybe i will see you at Rosies
Love the post...just found this blog and I think it is great! Will definitely be back to see what you are doing because you are more than a pretty face...you are very interesting, too. How weird is it that I'm a girl lol...don't answer that.
always read your posts dude...it's great to hear some news of your life ;)
You really need to stop watching woman's figure skating...it gets you too excited
as always my dream man....
Im new to your blog and started following you on twitter. I like hearing about your day to day life much better than the porn-even though thats hot too. Sorry i dont comment to often, but ill try and comment more. I get on about every day! Youre birds are cute, and yes the guido look worked for you on your id, hot! You seem like a cool guy. keep blogging!
Keep up both aspects of your blog. It's hot to read your everyday stuff, because, well, you're a porn star and your workdays are fantasies for guys like me!
Then when you get home, the pets, the hedge trimming, the neighbors and all really makes you seem down to earth, multi-dimensional, and great husband material.
Today's JO vid is hot, but I keep lookin' back further down the blog at your guido look for the DMV. That face with that sneer makes me want to meet you in the men's room, drop trou and take it rough up against the cool tile walls!
I'm reading you regularly. I'll try to comment more so you know I'm out here.
Love you blog. And youre so HOT!!
Kepp the posts coming, love reading aboute you <3
umm, and purely out of interest Nick - do you ever read mine? ;-)
Mr Moretti - I know you are hot and I love following your blog but I have to say (here is the Jewish gene coming to the fore) - you are looking a little thin!!
Are you ok? Not eating enough?
Dont get unhealthy mister - we like you with a healthy bod mate.
The cage looks great!
I don't comment as much because I have you set up on google so every time you do a new blog it tells me. That way I don't miss anything new. :) And I LOVE your blog.
You need to take better care of you when you do yard work. lol
You are one of the few well written gay porn star blogs out there. I enjoy reading about your life. My vote is for the normal, boring stuff.
Btw - announce that you are going to make a trip out to Kansas City and I can round up a few ecstatic mid-20 year olds to take you out for a birthday you'll never forget.
I feel your pain as far as the bouganvillia is concerned. We had a huge tree of it that grew wild and it always seemed to fall on me to prune it! I found that the gloves with the leather palms helped a lot as those huge ass thorns did not penetrate them.
Love the blog!
I have a gift certificate to Il Mulino in DC. Never been. What is best thing on the menu?
Use Mandevilla instead of Boganvilla. No thorns!!!!
You are a big boy now. You know what you want...a nice birthday celebration. You deserve that. Just tell Tim what you want. If he is your friend, he will make it happen for you. Enjoy!!!!
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