Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Santa delivers a little late

Santa was a little late in delivering my gifts this year but I am NOT complaining.

You remember how I have a little... OK, a HUGE porn crush on Drake Jaden since we met at Folsom in October. Well, actually we didn't quite meet. More like, I looked down from my bound and gagged position on the stage to see him with a rope in his teeth that was connected to my balls. (See photo above) Talk about "He had me at hello." DAMN is that boy fine!

Well, it looks like I'm going to be doing a Bound Gods scene with him at the end of the month! And Santa was VERY generous this year because my friend Tyler Saint will also be in the same scene. Tyler and I will dom Jaden. Does life get any better than that?


Jambrea said...

I remember you talking about him after that day. That is so cool! Congrats and have fun.

Pick said...

*Scratching head ... trying to figure out which of you three guys is the lucky one!* From my point of view though I kinda think it's

Looking forward to seeing the results of this one Nick. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

He is a beautiful boy, with those cut abs and all. I bet he has a great ass too. I am sure you will have a super time with him. I only hope we get some great photos out of it! Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That will be hot!

Stan said...

Any scene with you and Tyler Saint is well worth waiting for. Jaden is the very lucky one here for sure!

Lucien said...

Nick -This Fiar shot
Tight ropes on you is VERY BECOMING !