Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nothing beats a big Italian sausage!

Someone sent this photo they took of me on Halloween to my cell phone last night. Why am I allowed to go out in public again?


Anonymous said...

because you are so cool & cute! That is why you are allowed in public! I hope to run into you next time I'm in your hometown area!

Jambrea said...

lol It looks like you were having fun! And Starbman is are too cute.

wdavi said...

The monkey!

wdavi said...

The monkey is cute!

blacknoon said...

Can you please eat me like that?! LOL.
Hey, I thought you were a vegitarian primarily except for your addiction to those Lean Pocket Cheeseburgers.

I still say you look like a hoola girl! Love the monkey!!!!

Smootch, slurp, lick lick lick...

gpcrush said...

too funny! can I borrow that skirt?

word verification: bighool heh!